"Every map must have a north arrow."

Choose your favorite ArcMap north arrow and take a trip down memory lane. Rotate the map for full effect.

Esri North 4

Esri North 5

Esri North 7

Esri North 9

Esri North 14

Esri North 21

Esri North Arrow24

Esri North 55

Esri North 57

Esri North 97

In geography school, I was taught that every map must have a north arrow, despite how ridiculous this can be when it's totally obvious where north is. This rule seems to have been (rightfully) lost in the modern age of digital maps.

But don't you sometimes miss the simple days when GIS was mostly desktop-based maps and you could slap a big ol' north arrow on them?

Are you not at all concerned that Esri North 9, the comic sans of cartography, is unrecognizable to a new generation of mappers?

Well worry not! A hand-curated selection of classic ArcMap 9.3 north arrows could still grace your maps, even on the web!

Follow me on Twitter for more spatial stupidity, or pull the code and add more north arrows.